Where My Feet Touch The Ground

I absolutely love this phrase. I could also say “where I live” but it just doesn’t sing like this title. Where do your feet touch the ground right now? You can answer in so many ways. Name a property, a place, a town, city, region, and even just name your country.

To be exact, right now, my feet touch the ground in central Italy, in a small town near Ancona, Le Marche, on the Adriatic Coast side. I’m originally from Australia. I was that gal who loved her town and country and had no intention of leaving it permanently. Well until 2001 when my world changed forever.

I’d already gained a PostGrad in Broadcasting for Commercial Radio in Melbourne, Australia and started working as a voiceover talent but my curiosity took me far far away – to a small town in central Italy to study Voice. Humming, speaking, singing. The whole paint box of voice. I wanted it. In my third week, I met my husband. It took a few years to work out where we’d live but in April 2004, I returned to Italy and set up my new life with loads of enthusiasm, a little fear of the unknown and zero Italian.

Living and working in Italy since 2004, I’ve come face-to-face with my communication limitations – and have had loads of weird times trying to connect with people here in my new homeland. These limitations were originally linguistic, like you’d expect. I also discovered my connection style needed work.

My voice and I have voiced commercials, sang in choirs for insurance promos for cinema, written for radio, written graded language readers for non-native English speakers, designed and delivered loads of workshops and seminars for professionals in sales, education and even the military. Oh my words took a slight detour for a while writing copy for real estate. Each project asks me to dive in and get even more creative with connecting and I’m far from done.

Spa hunting and showing visiting pals my beautiful region here in Marche, Italy are some of the things I love doing when I’m not writing or voicing. Jazz is my music and I’m in an ensemble. I also have a bit of a thing for Bebop. I’m pretty partial to walking too – asĀ  long as it’s not pouring with rain – on my favourite beach, our country track near home or wherever I happen to be. Movement gives me ideas.

Six good words, more or less, to connect with yourself and your people. I know that’s more than six words, I knew you were smart! We’re going to get along like a house on fire.

Where do your feet touch the ground?

Comment now! I’d love to hear your story.


I'm an Australian in Italy. I love playing, training and working with words & voice in most forms, especially OUT LOUD - speaking, singing and even writing. Yep letting those words leap off the page to connect better with you, my fellow word-lover :)

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