Overnight my life went from traveling to different studios recording voiceovers, lessons studying piano and improv theatre to five footsteps, in my pyjamas, to our studio [ok, second bedroom] at home. 

With voiceover recordings and piano lessons (one-to-one), not much has changed for me. Engagement and productivity is still quite high. An individual session – 1 hour In Person = 1 hour Online.

With my group improv theatre lessons, the same time translation ‘2.5hrs in person = 2.5hrs online…’ But after about 90 minutes together, I just wanna push ‘Leave Meeting’. And I LOVE my improv group… My best guess:

There is something wrong with this ‘direct translation’ of time.

Annemarie Homan, creator of The Single Singers, has loads of experience with studying, working and training musicians online and “in person”. She was the first person to put some sense to my hunch [thanks Annemarie!]:

“Working online costs a lot more energy and focus than real life situations, for teachers AND students.”

She continued saying that her mentor and professor, Daus Hjernøe, creator of The Intelligent Choir at the Royal Academy of Music in Denmark, recommends this formula: 

“50 minutes Real Life = 30 minutes OnLine”

Hang on, does this mean I should only be online for 30 minutes at a time? Great question, so let’s unpack that: 

Breaking up online time can be done by asking everyone to stand up, shake their hands, remind people to breathe, drop tensed up shoulders and take a sip of water. Add in breakout sessions where people connect in pairs or groups of three. Play with how you create a ‘pause and reset’ before continuing trainings, lessons or meetings. 

Consider this before you get online:

“50 minutes Real Life = 30 minutes OnLine”

When I’m training online, my favourite things is to get people connecting with each other. If it’s a small group, where you can see all the “tiles” on one screen, ask people to catch the eye of another person. When you see someone looking at you, click an icon. 

What will you try to make online life more engaging, more “human”? What have you tried already that worked? Share below in the comments. I can’t wait to hear what you’ve been up to 🙂


I'm an Australian in Italy. I love playing, training and working with words & voice in most forms, especially OUT LOUD - speaking, singing and even writing. Yep letting those words leap off the page to connect better with you, my fellow word-lover :)


  1. Pro Investivity on April 10, 2020 at 5:08 pm

    I never imagined that we could connect between the real-life and online time conversion. I’m really thankful to you for enlightening me regarding it.
    I also loved how well you are able to express your opinions- so clear and effective.
    I wouldn’t wanna miss your future articles so I have decided to follow your blog. ?

    • sixgoodwords on April 10, 2020 at 7:37 pm

      Thanks so much for your comments. I feel inspired to continue searching for other ‘missing’ pieces of our puzzle – and real people to support theories 😉 Thanks for the ‘follow’!

      • Pro Investivity on April 10, 2020 at 11:16 pm

        You’re welcome! I cannot wait to read your future contents and hope you can find the missing pieces of the puzzle! 🙂
        As you have such wonderful writing, would you mind going through my blog once? I would love to hear your recommendations. Thank you!

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