Read Like You Mean It!

Halted words and a sticky horizontal sliding pointer-finger were my go-to ‘reading-out-loud’ methods when I was little. My dad also recorded me on his huge TEAC semi-pro device – we’d listen back to my stumbling phrases and he’d help me repeat them until they sounded like someone was talking in real life. “Read like you mean it, like you are that person or in that scene.” he’d say. It brought things alive and gave each phrase a whole elevated meaning that I could see, feel and share – easily and confidently. 

Weirdly, I don’t remember when I stopped reading aloud, or when my dad’s recorded reading sessions hit a wall. I just know that at some point, I took the text into my head, covering my voice in a cape of silence until my early 30s.

Why Read Aloud?

Reading aloud is one of those things that is not just for kids.  When I read aloud, I take it in differently. I can also sense into my body where my voice is and enjoy that sensation. It’s a really physical way of getting present, dropping right back into the here and now – while I’m reading. I might choose to do this every day, taking one or two phrases. It doesn’t need to be a long time. What’s important is that I take time to speak with awareness. To drop into my voice as a physical part of how I express myself and how I connect firstly to ME. Then to you. 

Some Benefits of Reading Aloud:

  • Instantly drops us into the present
  • Provides a playful access to our voices 
  • Builds trust in confidence
  • Increase awareness of our physical self
  • Improves listening skills
  • Increases connection (to self & others)

Bring Back Reading Aloud!

Reading doesn’t need to be a silent activity. It can be if you want.  Although I’ve gotta ask you:

When you read, do you hear a voice narrating? What does that voice sound like? 

I don’t mean you’re crazy and you hear voices. Well, maybe you are, let’s not get into that. I’m talking about noticing what happens when you read. When I read, there’s a voice in my head narrating, and sometimes different characters pop in. 

When I read a phrase that really strikes me, I want to share it. My husband gets the “Hey babe, listen to this…” and I start reciting what’s just hit me. Sometimes he even listens, LOL! 

And the important thing is that I’m listening to my voice again. I’m playing with words and phrases that impress me somehow. I’m taking that silent cape off my voice and it make a huge difference to my day.

Take your voice to the next level

Record yourself saying one phrase from your next piece of reading. I dare you to make technical reading interesting!

What do you notice when you read out loud?

Be your own director and play with one phrase a few times, emphasise different words, bring in characters, and employ pauses.

Comment below! I’m listening! 


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I'm an Australian in Italy. I love playing, training and working with words & voice in most forms, especially OUT LOUD - speaking, singing and even writing. Yep letting those words leap off the page to connect better with you, my fellow word-lover :)


  1. Danielle Burns on July 4, 2022 at 1:51 am

    Ooh I remember that tape deck, we all lined up to have a go! Reckon it was the beginning of your acting career m’dear ?
    Seriously though, when reviewing my own writing I can tinker and rewrite till the cows come home but a read aloud session usually highlights any issues quick smart ?
    Thanks for the life-lesson Dad!

    • sixgoodwords on July 4, 2022 at 5:59 pm

      Yes! That trusty ol’ tape deck – it was HUGE too. Or I was small? And yeah, the reading ALOUD thing is that secret sauce when it comes to hearing what’s really there, what’s missing and if I’m writing IN MY VOICE (even if I’ve become a character…). Yep, that is one boomer of a life-lesson from our Dad.

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